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Being A #MOMBOSS to 2 + Tips

Writer's picture: HelloJudePhotoHelloJudePhoto

I would be lying if I told you that I never struggle with feeling guilty about wanting to have a family and a business simultaneously. The idea of nurturing both my business to help it grow, as well as nurturing my children to help them grow is a crazy parallel. My business is like a baby to me. It was an idea that was conceived and born, and every day my business is growing and struggling and teaching me new things- much like my boys. Jude came along before my business began (hence the name ‘Hello Jude’), so I haven’t experienced running this business without also being a mom. I was starting to get a grip on things (or so I thought), and I was learning more and more each day about how to better balance spending time with him and with my business during the day. Fast forward a few months to the birth of Knox. In my mind I imagined not much would change (after all, I’ve done the whole newborn thing before and survived). Things definitely changed, not necessarily in a bad way, but in a way that has caused me to make some adjustments. I’m a little more tired and a little less focused, but I’m a lot more conscious and diligent.

Any mom boss would agree that we all strive for the same goals- we are aiming to be good moms and good business owners at the same time. We may have different business types and business goals, daily schedules and to-do lists, but all of our hearts desire to have some sense of successful balance between raising babies and businesses. It requires massive juggling skills, the ability to work in extreme situations, and a whole lot of coffee (and wine) to get through the day- but it’s definitely manageable. Some days I feel as if I have a super power, while other days I feel defeated and deflated when 5:00 comes that I wonder where the day went- and thats OKAY!

Here is a little tidbit into how I make it through being a mom boss to 2 and a little encouragement to any of you moms out there feeling like you are carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders.

1. Stay organized– calendars, to-do lists, whatever works best for you! Having a habit of being organized will help you make decisions quickly and keep everyone on the same page. I highly recommend keeping a calendar handy and scheduling out your week in advance. Share a google calendar with your hubby and let him know what’s going on. Feeling like you have things organized that you can control will help when things that are out of your control arise.

2. Wake up before the kids– This one I find challenging most days (especially in light of the fact I have two early risers and am up throughout the night feeding a baby).  Mornings when I am intentional to wake up before the boys I can sit down with a cup of coffee and have some quiet time with the Lord uninterrupted. It is a great way to start the day off and to refocus my mind on the big picture.

3. Tidy the house every night when the kids go to bed- This one is SUPER important for me. I have an extremely difficult time starting my day in a mess. By tidying up the house every night before my head hits the pillow, I feel like I wake up to a clean slate. I walk around the house with a basket and tidy up all the toys/ junk thrown on the floor, wipe down the counters, and load the dishwasher (let’s be honest, Nate does that part). That way when I wake up I feel like I can start my day fresh!

4.GET DRESSED!- I know some people might disagree with me on this one, BUT, I believe that getting up and putting on real clothes and a little makeup goes a long way (at least for me). When I get out of my pajamas and into some jeans and a blouse I feel ready to take on whatever challenge comes my day. I am ready if we want to take a break and go to the park or Chick-fil-a for lunch. I am ready if I need to run to the grocery store or answer a Facetime call with a client. I am ready for whatever the day throws at me.

5. Take breaks throughout your day- My little man Jude loves to dance, so we take very frequent dance party breaks in our house during the day. If he pulls out the blocks or a puzzle I will (most of the time) try my best to stop for a few minutes and play with him. If he brings me a book I will stop and read to him. Make time to stop every 30minutes for at least 5 minutes to give the little ones some one-on-one time. At this stage I am forced to take breaks to feed Knox so I will add of another 10-15 minutes of play time for Jude before I head back to my desk.

6. Remember to eat- I am super guilty of this one. I am so busy trying to shove food down Jude and hand him snacks that I often forget to fix myself a meal. Remember it is important to nourish your body throughout the day.

7. Take at least one day off just for your kids- My goal this year is to take every Tuesday off from work and spend with the boys and get OUT OF THE HOUSE! Whether it is running to target and Chick-fil-a or going to story time and the park, I try my best to get away for the day with them. It can be super stressful to run errands with two kids, but it helps with cabin fever at the end of the day.

8. Dry shampoo- USE IT

9. Take an evening away by yourself to reenergize- Whether it is a yoga class, an hour at a coffee shop, or strolling every aisle in Target, make time to get away by yourself at least one evening a week. Having separate for a little bit will help you be a better mom (at least it does for me). Take some time to refocus and breathe.

10.Remember you are SUPERWOMAN! Not everyone could do it, but YOU can! You are strong and successful! You. are. a. super mom! Make sure to remind yourself often of how awesome you are, especially when you feel overwhelmed and inadequate! And PRAY PRAY PRAY for strength and balance!

I am starting to slowly realize that being an entrepreneur is making me a better mom- it is showing my boys that I am pursuing my passions and setting an example of what it looks like to follow after your dreams and goals. You can do it mama! I believe in you, and your children believe in you too! Make em’ proud!


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